Fig.2. Tunable drug loading and releasing from anti-infection peptide nanocoatings. (a) Nanoassembly with nano-scale structure; (b) Controllable antibiotic incorporation; (c) Tunable releasing of antibiotics; (d) Anti-bacterial activity with Kirby-Bauer assays.
Fig.4. SEM images showed cell adhesion behaviors on ECM-like nanocoating surface. (a)—(c) were the osteoblast adeshision on peptide nanocoating with/without ECM-like structure. (d) was fibroblast adhesion on the same coating as that in (c).
2. 纳米给药;
Fig.5 Particle size, zeta potential and morphology and cell cytotoxicity of PEI-grafted PLGA nanoparticles and the surface-modified nanoparticles
Fig.5 Association of surface-modified nanoparticles with osteoblast cells and their intracellular delivery into cell. The nanoparticles in square areas are immobilized into osteoblast cells. A double-stained method was used to indentify the intracellular location of nanoparticles.
3. 温室气体吸附材料
实例1. 基于层层自组装技术的纳米层状吸附剂
Fig.6 Nanolayered solid sorbents for CO2 capture based on LBL technology
Fig.7 Rapid kinetics(top left) and highly-ordered structure (below left) of nanolayered sorbent and its high amine-efficiency for CO2 capture