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Aggregation-induced Emissive Feringa-type Motor: Towards the Dual-functional Motor in a Single Molecular Aggregation System
作者:Ziwei Jiang, Yunan Qin, Guohong Liao, Li Liu, Yanling Luo, Quan Li, Kun Guo.
关键字:aggregation-induced emission, light-responsiveness, molecular machine, molecular motor, rotary motion

Aggregation-induced emission (AIE)allows tunable photoluminescence via the simple regulation of molecular aggregation. The research spurt along this vein has also offered tremendous opportunities for light-responsive artificial molecular machines that are to be fully explored for performing versatile functions. Herein, the study reports a light-driven Feringa-type motor, when in the appropriate aggregation state, not only demonstrates the light-activated rotary motion but emits photons with good quantum yield. A semi-quantitative TD-DFT calculation is also conducted to aid the understanding of the competitive photoluminescence and photoisomerization processes of the motor. Cytotoxicity test shows this motor possesses good biocompatibility, laying a solid foundation for applying it in the bio-environment. The results demonstrated that the engagement of the aggregation-induced emission concept and light-driven Feringa-motor can lead to the discovery of the novel motorized AIEgen, which will further stimulate the rise of more advanced molecular motors capable of executing multi-functionalities.